Webinars and events

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Digitalize and Automate 2024

Annual event

October 1, 2024 | 10:00 CET

Digitalize & Automate, the yearly streaming event from experts for experts in ITSM, ESM, IAM and AI, is back! Discover the latest trends in the service management sector, highly relevant for your industry, your organization and your team. Save your free seat!

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Plattform statt Toolsammlung


December 14, 2022 | 11:00 CET

Statt abteilungsspezifischer Toolsammlungen bietet es sich für Organisationen oft an, eine Plattform zu etablieren, die Prozesse kanalisiert sowie ganzheitlich, abteilungsübergreifend digitalisiert und automatisiert. Wir zeigen Ihnen wie Sie Services einfach harmonisieren und Prozesse optimieren.

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Schritt für Schritt zum Erfolg: Leitfaden für die einfache ITSM-Tool-Evaluierung und -Implementierung

webinar On-demand

In diesem Webinar möchten wir Ihnen einen praxisorientierten Leitfaden für die ITSM-Tool-Evaluierung als auch Best Practices für die Tool-Implementierung an die Hand geben.

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Easy Start in Service Management: How Not to Trade-off Your Growth

Webinar on-demand

Join us for a webinar where we explore how to kickstart your Service Management journey effortlessly without compromising your organization's growth potential. Learn how Efecte Service Management can help you navigate this terrain without giving up neither on efficiency nor security.

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AI Innovations in Action: Paving Way for NextGen Service Management

Webinar on-demand

Aligning business needs with the latest AI innovations has become a necessity for businesses to keep meeting business expectations in the modern high-paced environment. In this webinar you will discover how AI innovations are transforming the Service Management across industries, from education to healthcare, and beyond.

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AI-Driven ITSM in 7 Days

Webinar on-demand

Embark on a transformative AI journey achievable within just 7 days. Our focused webinar, "AI-Driven ITSM in 7 Days," is tailored to provide a path to bring AI into service management processes.

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April 17, 2024 | 08:00

The Service Desk & IT Support Show (SITS) is Europe's leading event for ITSM, Service Desk, and IT Support Professionals. Come and explore the cutting-edge capabilities of Efecte ITSM, ESM, and AI solutions at our interactive stand!

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April 17, 2024 | 09:00

The emergence of AI is bringing about major changes in the digital innovation industry. The ASLAN2024 Congress is a unique opportunity to learn how cybersecurity, the digital workplace and data management are evolving thanks to artificial intelligence and how to face the new challenges for networks, multi-cloud environments, data centres and other digital infrastructures.

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Ihr einfacher Start mit KI im Service-Desk


Wann und wie macht es Sinn, KI im Service Management einzusetzen? Unser Webinar zeigt Ihnen einen klaren und praktischen Weg auf, wie Sie erste Schritte mit KI im Service Management und speziell im Service-Desk gehen können.

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IT Forum Vest


IT Forum West aims to organize an annual conference on IT and digitalization. The conference will be an important meeting place for those working with IT and digitalization in the municipal sector. We will facilitate networking, exchange of experience and collaboration, through an exciting two-day conference. We are co-located with our partner Inlead at the event. Come and say hello to us.

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Servicedesk Forum


What will the future of Service Desk look like? Is it both preventive and predictive, where humans and AI work in harmony with each other? Efecte will have a booth and a keynote speech on AI in Service Management - 5 tips how to improve users' service. Come and meet us at the Servicedesk Forum

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Service Support i Fokus


On March 19th-20th we are going to participate in the Service Support i Fokus event by SSI -Support Services Institute in Stockholm. This event provides a perfect opportunity to get the latest knowledge on everything related to automation, self-service, and modern knowledge management with the help of AI.

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Hur man kommer igång med AI

webinar on-demand

Att påbörja AI-resan kan vara både spännande och skrämmande för många företag. Vårt fokuserade webbinarium, "Hur man kommer igång med AI", är skräddarsytt för att ge dig en inblick kring hur man implementerar AI inom Service Management.


Service Management Day


Efecte osallistuu palvelujohtamisen ammattilaistapahtumaan 6.3. Wanhassa Satamassa, Helsingissä. Tilaisuudessa on kolme kohdennettua ohjelmalinjaa, jotka keskittyvät erityisesti palvelujohtamisen digitalisaatioon ja tulevaisuuden teknologioihin. Tule moikkaamaan meitä ständille.

Lisää tapahtumasta

didacta 2024


didacta is Europe's largest education trade fair and the 2024 edition in Cologne opened up new perspectives about education and digitalization. We were very proud to present our offering that helps schools easily overcome their IT problems so they can finally leverage digitalization for the most important good: the education of our children.

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Miten AI kehittää palvelunhallintaa

webinar on-demand

Webinaarissa käymme käytännön esimerkkien avulla läpi, miten tekoälyä voi hyödyntää yrityksen palvelunhallinnan kehittämisessä – niin lyhyellä kuin pidemmälläkin aikavälillä.


Employee-Centric ITSM and an AI-Enhanced Service Desk

webinar on-demand

This is part 2 of our previous webinar "Employee-centric ITSM: Unleashing the power of AI". Last time we talked about the transformative power of AI in IT Service Management. This time we'll dive even deeper into the subject with the examples of Effie AI.

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Miten HR hyödyntää Efecteä?

webinar on-demand

Esittelemme keinoja työntekijäkokemuksen parantamiseen HR-palveluissa Efecten avulla sekä miten Efecte mahdollistaa entistä tehokkaamman tiedonhallinnan ja AI:n hyödyntämisen tulevaisuudessa.


Effie AI - die europäische KI für den Service Desk

Webinar on-demand

Mit Effie AI zum KI-gepowerten Service Desk! Wir zeigen Ihnen live, wie Sie mit KI starten, die Arbeit Ihrer Mitarbeiter und Anwender einfacher und effizienter gestalten und dabei die Kontrolle über Ihre Daten erhalten können.

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Employee-Centric ITSM: Unleashing the power of AI

webinar on-demand

Discover how AI can transform your IT Service Management (ITSM) processes, focusing on empowering employees with faster access to information and self-service options. We will showcase the successful implementation of OpenAI's GPT model into ITSM, highlighting the security aspects.

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Effie AI: The AI for Service Desk that keeps your data local

webinar on-demand

Meet Efecte Effie AI - a newly released, friendly digital assistant for IT Service Management. This webinar is a perfect way to find out how to combine productivity-boosting generative AI capabilities with full control over the security and privacy of their data.

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Cloud on Your Own Terms

webinar on-demand

Data residency and data security are utterly important topics to many companies. Nowadays it goes beyond just being GDPR compliant, with factors such as customer experience and product development being affected by it. In this webinar, we will discuss who has your data, where your data is located, and answer the question "Why does it matter that you are in control of your data?"

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Transforming User Experience: New Self-Service and GPT-powered Chat

webinar on-demand

At Efecte we are constantly looking for new ways to deliver exceptional user experience to our customers and their end users. In this webinar, we take a look at two of our recent innovations, the new Efecte Self-Service, and a newly released GPT-powered Chat feature.

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One platform for all your IT and Enterprise services

webinar on-demand

In this webinar, we take a look at the Efecte Service Management Platform and its new features. You will learn how to give your teams easy access to their interactions, information, and interconnections, as well as how to improve overall organizational output with the help of conversational AI, virtual assistant, Gantt view, and so on.

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Efecte Tips & Tricks Training

training on-demand

Watch this free-of-charge training session for practical "how-to" tips on using the Efecte platform, an overview of the new useful features, and a piece of advice in case you need any!

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Optimisation of IT Operations Management

webinar on-demand

In this webinar, we share everything you need to know to efficiently plan your migration processes or version upgrades, reduce downtimes and improve service levels, and truly utilize your IT stack as a business enabler to meet the requirements of modern business.

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Efecte Chat for Service Management and Conversational AI

webinar on-demand

Watch the webinar to learn, based on real-life examples, the values that our Efecte Chat for Service Management (ECSM) and our other Conversational Automation (AI Chatbot and Voicebots) bring to various businesses and institutions.

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Plattform statt Toolsammlung (German)

webinar on-demand

Statt abteilungsspezifischer Toolsammlungen bietet es sich für Organisationen oft an, eine Plattform zu etablieren, die Prozesse kanalisiert sowie ganzheitlich, abteilungsübergreifend digitalisiert und automatisiert. Wir zeigen Ihnen wie Sie Services einfach harmonisieren und Prozesse optimieren.

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New Value from Enterprise Service Management

webinar on-demand

This webinar covers the best practices from the IT industry that can and should be applied to other business functions. We talk about achieving transparency of operations and perfecting data management, as well as present real-life examples of using a service management platform for both IT and non-IT units.

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Efecte Chat for Service Management & Conversational AI

webinar on-demand

Efecte has recently released a Chat for Service Management that allows organizations to simplify their support processes and serve customers more efficiently. Join this webinar to learn more about how to boost your employee satisfaction, efficiency, and take your customer satisfaction ratings to the next level, all with the help of AI.

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Efecte annual event: Digitalize and Automate 2022

Virtual Event - On Demand

Digitalize and Automate 2022 brought together more than 3000 people from nearly 50 countries. Over the two days, attendees could hear inspiring keynotes, insightful panel discussions, and technical deep dives, including News about the Efecte platform and solutions.

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Von der Excel-Tabelle hin zum automatisierten Discovery

Webinar On-Demand

Efecte und Device42 zeigen u.a. live, was automatisiertes Discovery bedeutet, wie es umgesetzt wird oder wie eine voll funktionale CMDB aussieht und antworten auf all Ihre Fragen zum Thema Discovery und ITAM.

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Tips & Tricks training covering practical ways on how to use Efecte solution better

Online training | On-demand

Too many similar views? Use of Open condition to change the search result for different needs.Searching from huge amounts of data? Creation of a Search template and making it easier for the user and system.Need some change to the UI? Find out what's new in customizing the Service Management UI.

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Creating the next-gen user experience for Service Management

Webinar on-demand

User experience is a driving force of every software, and an increasingly important topic in service management as organizations of all sizes look to expand their offerings and boost employee satisfaction. Watch this webinar to learn more about how Efecte is taking an increased focus on user experience to deliver a next-gen experience by focusing on optimizing the tools users utilize daily and the needed UI developments.

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Utilizing data with AI in Service Desk

Webinar on-demand

Do you want to learn how to quickly implement AI and save time in your Service Desk work.

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Digitalize & Automate Event 2021


How can we in Europe re-build our economy with digitalization and automatization? How we can leverage our people, innovation, and technologies to succeed? How will AI, RPA, and help bring local innovations to the game?

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AI to Boost Your Service Desk Productivity


How to quickly implement AI in IT Service Management and save time in your Service Desk.

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Simplifying your IT: One Single Platform for your ITSM and IGA


Why not use the same platform for your IT service management and IAM use cases? This model has many benefits, including sustainable investment, user experience, and more comprehensive life-cycle management.

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Einfach besser? ITSM und IGA auf einer integrierten Plattform


Anhand von konkreten Anwendungsfällen zeigen wir in einer Live-Demo, wie die Nutzung von ITSM und IGA auf einer integrierten Plattform die End-to-End Automatisierung von abteilungsübergreifenden Prozessen ermöglicht.

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Smartes Change Management mit ITIL 4

Webinar on-Demand

In diesem Webinar mit Live-Demo liefern die Experten von Efecte und der SERVIEW einen kompakten Überblick darüber, wie sich Change Enablement in ITIL 4 von Change Management in ITIL v3 unterscheidet und warum es sinnvoll ist, sich jetzt damit auseinander zu setzen.

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More Value out of CMDB by Understanding Your Services


Introducing a framework for combining your services and CMDB.

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Identity Governance and Administration, Boosting ROI


Things to consider on your path to modern identity and access management.

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Addressing the Changing Identity and Access Management Space


Ready-Made use cases for requesting, approving and managing accounts & access rights.

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Modern and Secure IAM


Identity and Access Management is often considered an enormous and overwhelming project. We have great news: Governing, automating, and protecting identities is easy with a modern IAM solution.


Whistleblower - Going Beyond Compliance


Complying with the EU's Whistleblower directive gives a great opportunity for companies to improve their working environments by lowering the barriers to report unwanted behavior.


How to measure to improve Digital Employee Experience

Webinar on-demand

Learn how to measure how computers and software serve employees in your organization, and how to improve the experience.

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How can IT organizations benefit from Artificial Intelligence in their IT Service Management? Discover the top 10 use cases and see a live demo of our Virtual Coach in action.

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IAM - How to get started?

Webinar on-demand

Identity and Access Management can feel like an overwhelming journey. This webinar will help you consider the resources and needs of the organization, and run a successful project.

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How to build Custom Applications on Efecte

Webinar on-demand

In this hands-on webinar, we show how to leverage the whole potential of your Efecte platform - build any process, report or form.

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Managing Operations during difficult times: Crisis Ops

Webinar on-demand

Learn how companies can use Efecte to manage crisis, mitigate its effects on people, internal and external customers, and business.

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New Approach to Managing Digital Identities

webinar on-demand

In this webinar, we uncover how to minimize the risks with a simple, flexible and affordable solution that allows any size of organization to manage identities safely - Efecte Identity Governance and Administration. The time to start your IGA journey is now!

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