Teams Bot - Configuration Guide

Efecte Service Management Tool

Short Description

Notify Teams users when a new ticket has been created to their support group in Efecte.

Long description

Efecte Service Management App enhances your team’s collaboration to support customers and other teams by notifying users whenever a new ticket has been assigned to your team.

With the App, you can integrate your Efecte Service Management Platform seamlessly to Microsoft Teams and notify support group members whenever a new ticket has been created to the support group in ESM. This gives support personnel better visibility on their ticket queue, and they can act on new tickets faster.

App uses ESM listeners to send notifications to Microsoft Teams. Please note, setting up listeners in ESM requires admin permissions, and sending listeners should be configured to each template, from which notifications to Microsoft Teams should be sent.


Download Microsoft Teams configuration for Efecte Service Management Platform

Download files at the bottom of the page in "Required Files"

Import Template Configuration

Note! Setting up ESM configuration requires administration permissions

Login to ESM instance

Open the “Administration” page from the top right corner  

Go to “Templates”

Click “Template” and “Import”

Select “Source: File” and click “Choose file”

Find previously downloaded file (MS_Teams_configuration_template.xml) and add it.

Note! Before importing templates, it’s good to ensure that there are no existing templates with the same code (ms_teams_integration)! Otherwise, existing data may be deleted.

Click “Ok” at the bottom left corner

Click “Ok” at the bottom left corner to confirm import and to proceed import of Ms_Teams_configuration_template.xml to ESM

Now you should see “MS Teams” template under “IT Service Management”

Adding Imported Fields to Templates

In the “Administration” page, under “Templates” and “IT Service Management”, open the “Incident” template

Click “Select classes”, find “MS Teams Integration”, check the checkbox next to it, and then click “Save”

Set “Order” of the class so that it's the first class on the template, e.g. 0

Open “Organization” module and “Support group” template

Click “Select classes”, find “MS Teams channel information”, check the checkbox next to it, and then click “Save”

Set “Order” of the class to, e.g., 350

Note! Update your ESM instance's URL to "Ticket link" field -> Attribute metadata -> Application URL. These classes can be imported to other templates as well.

Import Listeners for Teams Connector

In the “Administration” page, under “IT Service Management”, open “Incident” template

Find “Data card Listeners” and click “Import”

Select “Source: File”, find previously downloaded “Postsave – Send to Teams bot.xml” and add this file. Then click “Ok” to import the listener and “OK” on “Confirm import”

Do the same steps for Listener “Presave - Update Support Group.xml”

Click “Back” to open “Incident” template and make sure these two listeners are found from “Data card Listeners” list with names

  • “Postsave.TeamsConnector.Send to Teams bot”
  • “Presave.TeamsConnector.Update Support group”.

Note! Listeners can be imported to other templates as well, if they have previously imported fields from “MS Teams Integration” class

Add Bot URL to Platform Settings

In the “Administration” page, under “Maintenance”, open “System settings” and “Edit Platform settings”

At the bottom of the page, there are “Name” and “Value”

Add following and click “Add new setting”

Add Bot to Microsoft Teams

To add an application (or bot) Teams, Go to Teams, you want to add the bot and select “Apps”- icon from the bottom left menu.

Search Efecte Service Management and click Add to a team.

Use Web API user to login

Efecte MS Teams Bot - Store


Add Microsoft Teams Channel ID to Support Group

After Bot in Microsoft Teams has been setup, go to channel where notifications should be sent to

In channel, type into chat “@Efecte Service Management show channel id”

Copy the bolded channel ID and open ESM

Select “New view”, write “Support group”, and open it

Open support group that should receive notifications

Click “Edit all” on the top right corner

Find field “Teams Channel Id” and paste channel ID shown in Microsoft Teams

Click “Save”

Creating an Incident and Sending Notification

Now that Support group has Microsoft Teams Channel ID, we can test ticket creation

Open ESM, select “New view”, write “Incident”, and open it

Click “+ New” to open create a window

Fill in all mandatory fields (fields with red border)

Remember to select the support group, to which you added Microsoft Teams Channel ID

Click “Save” and go to Microsoft Teams to see, that a notification of the incident has been sent to given support group channel

And you’re done! 

Note! If nothing was sent to Microsoft Teams, please check that support group, set to incident, has Channel ID set.

Bot Commands

“reset esm” (hidden) Resets the Efecte ESM URL, username, and password.

“delete esm” (hidden) Deletes the Efecte ESM URL, username, and password. Disconnects the App from the Efecte instance.

“show channel id” Shows the channel id where the bot is installed.

“show bot url” shows the bot “Esm Notify” URL. This URL is saved to ESM platform settings.

"create incident" creates incident to ESM.

Configuration Video